BodyTalk is the fastest growing health care system in the world today!
BodyTalk is the fastest growing health care system in the world today!

Join This 5 Week Program

The body is designed to heal and grow-physically,
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
If all our parts are communicating and the brain can
co-ordinate everything, we heal and grow.
All types of stress (physical, emotional, etc.), cause breakdowns in the body’s already busy lines
of communication.
When there is a communication breakdown, the body will
adapt, but it will also become less efficient. 

Join This 5 Week Program

The body is designed to heal and grow-physically,
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
If all our parts are communicating and the brain can
co-ordinate everything, we heal and grow.
All types of stress (physical, emotional, etc.), cause breakdowns in the body’s already busy lines
of communication.
When there is a communication breakdown, the body will
adapt, but it will also become less efficient. 
What is BodyTalk?
We all experience stress, be it in the mind, body, or spirit. In fact, it is the number one cause of disease in the world because it causes the natural communication lines in the body to break down. When the body forgets how to communicate with itself, injury and illness occur.

BodyTalk is safe, effective, and non-invasive.
BodyTalk can be used on its own or can
complement other forms of healthcare- alternative
or conventional, but is not a substitute for medical
treatment or medication. BodyTalk does not
diagnose or prescribe medications.
Why do I need BodyTalk?

Whole healthcare focuses on addressing the whole-person on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level; to reveal their unique story and healing potential within. 

In a BodyTalk session, a practitioner uses structured intuition and protocol to ask questions of the client's body to determine what areas are a priority to address. The key is trusting what your body brings to the forefront. What might seem like an obvious problem to you may not be the one your body needs to have addressed first. Each session is completely individualized for each person.

How Terri Survived
 Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer

Our Story

Our Story

4 years ago, my husband was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, one of the deadliest cancers in the world...and 24 tumors in multiple organs!

When we first got the news, I couldn’t believe it.

In an instant, my world was shattered.

My husband was only in his forties. We had two young children together... we still had so much we wanted to do …

And now, we were being told he only had a few MONTHS to live…
It was absolutely devastating.

We could have crumbled, we could have given up...and at first, that seemed like the only option available to us...

But I wasn’t ready to lose him. I wasn’t ready to give up on our future together… and my husband wasn’t ready either!

And so, I started learning… I started researching western AND eastern medicine, the mind-body connection and the top oncology programs in the world.

No stone was left unturned. No effort was too big or too small… because when it comes to your loved one’s life, no price is too high. 

Despite his grim prognosis…we kept fighting…

Your Team

Kristie Anne Mah

BodyTalk intrigued Kristie Anne for many years, and the day after her husband, Terri, was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, she knew it was time to dive in head first and become a practitioner. 

The BodyTalk system not only contributed to saving Terri's life, it changed Kristie Anne's and her children's as well. It is the best compliment to Dr. Kleef's outstanding protocols, and Kristie Anne is very honored to be working with Dr. Kleef to help bring hope and inspiration to the world.

Residing in Alberta, Canada, Kristie Anne lives with her two amazing children, Nixon and Vienna, and her hero, Terri Mah. Their vibrant Jack Russell, Jukie, rounds out their family, and together they enjoy exploring the mountains together as a family.

In Partnership with

Dr. Ralf Kleef

Dr. Ralf Kleef is both an MD and ND who received his state examination in medicine at the University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany in 1991.

With his training in immunology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in NYC and later at the NIH, Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM), in 1996 he found his passion: treating cancer through immunotherapy in the footsteps of the father of cancer immunotherapy.

Your Team

Kristie Anne Mah

BodyTalk intrigued Kristie Anne for many years, and the day after her husband, Terri, was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, she knew it was time to dive in head first and become a practitioner. 

The BodyTalk system not only contributed to saving Terri's life, it changed Kristie Anne's and her children's as well. It is the best compliment to Dr. Kleef's outstanding protocols, and Kristie Anne is very honored to be working with Dr. Kleef to help bring hope and inspiration to the world.

Residing in Alberta, Canada, Kristie Anne lives with her two amazing children, Nixon and Vienna, and her hero, Terri Mah. Their vibrant Jack Russell, Jukie, rounds out their family, and together they enjoy exploring the mountains together as a family.

In Partnership with

Dr. Ralf Kleef

Dr. Ralf Kleef is both an MD and ND who received his state examination in medicine at the University of Witten-Herdecke, Germany in 1991.

With his training in immunology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in NYC and later at the NIH, Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM), in 1996 he found his passion: treating cancer through immunotherapy in the footsteps of the father of cancer immunotherapy

      5 Week Program......

      5 Week Program......

Integrative BodyTalk Package- Exclusive for
Dr. Kleef’s Patients Includes:

BodyTalk 5 Week Program
    • 1 distance BodyTalk session per week with recording of session sent directly to the client through Email.
    • Audiobook of “The Day the Cancer Quit- A True Story of Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer."
    • ​Audio download of "Expand your Mindset - For a New Life" mediation.
    • ​Text/email support on an ongoing basis.
    • Additional BodyTalk sessions available upon request.
    Item Price

    STEP #1: Contact Information

    STEP #2: Payment Information

    Item amount
    Dynamically Updated $XX.00
    Apple or Android Pay will Display here when available.

    BodyTalk Is WholeHealthcare……

    WholeHealthcare focuses on addressing the whole-person on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level; 
    to reveal their unique story and healing potential

    Your Investment

    BodyTalk 5 Week Program


      Results not guaranteed. Any of the content here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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